Customer Loyalty Programs: Are They Worth It?

Customer Loyalty Programs: Are They Worth It?

Sep 04, 2023

Before spending time, energy and money on any kind of marketing campaign, one question almost every business owner should ask is whether marketing strategy planned will be effective? While there are different an infinite number of ways to foster customer engagement, a customer loyalty program has been to be incredibly effective - almost goof-proof. While there are all types of loyalty programs you could design, at their core, customer loyalty programs reward customers for their repeat business and increased purchase frequency.

A successful loyalty program increases customer retention rates, customer spending, and loyal customers for your brand among many other benefits we'll discuss. There are many different types of customer loyalty programs, including point-based programs, tier-based programs, and hybrid programs. The best type of customer loyalty program for your business will depend on your specific needs and goals. In this article, we'll dive into all the ins-and-outs of a rewards program so you can answer the question "are customer loyalty programs effective" for yourself.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. What is a Customer Loyalty Program?

3. Benefits of Customer Loyalty Programs

4. Types of Customer Loyalty Programs

5. How to Choose the Right Customer Loyalty Program for Your Business

6. Best Practices for Customer Loyalty Programs

7. Measuring the Success of Your Customer Loyalty Program

8. Conclusion


When deciding on the framework a customer loyalty program, it's important to consider a number of factors to ensure that you create a positive customer experience, and that the campaign helps you to accomplish your goals. These factors include (but aren't limited to): your target audience; your budget; your marketing goals; and your customer service capabilities. Once you've chosen a customer loyalty program, it's important to promote it to your customers, make it easy for them to participate, as well as track the results of your program and make adjustments as needed.

What is a Customer Loyalty Program?

A customer loyalty program is a marketing strategy that rewards customers for their repeated business. This can be done through a variety of methods, although it can be as simple as a coupon or discount issued as a result of one or more customer behaviors. Innovative customer loyalty programs, such as popular beauty insider programs and coffee programs, tend to offer exclusive benefits in addition to the loyalty rewards offered in their base community programs, such as additional points, discounts, or exclusive access to products or services. A successful customer loyalty program for your business can fall anywhere in between - from the very simple to the very complex.

Ultimately, though, loyalty strategies have been shown to be incredibly effective in increasing customer retention, having a positive impact on customer spending, and foster brand loyalty throughout your customer base. By being loyal to your current customers for their business, even in a challenging or competitive market, businesses can curate a positive experience for its customers, foster a sense of community and belonging, which results in happy customers that are happy to spend their money with you.

What are Some of the Benefits of Customer Loyalty Programs?

Benefits abound when it comes to using a customer loyalty program to grow your business.

  • Increased customer retention: In some industries, up to 65% of revenue comes from repeat customers. Customer loyalty programs form the backbone of a powerful customer retention strategy as they incentivize customers to come back over and over. If a business can stronger relationships with its customers so that they become more frequent customers, growth in revenue is imminent. This also results in increased customer lifetime value.
  • Increased customer spending: Data shows that repeat customers spend an average of 33% more per order when compared to other customers. Customer loyalty programs lead to increased customer spending. This is because customers who are rewarded for their loyalty are more likely to spend more money with a business.
  • Increased brand loyalty: 81% of customers say that their purchase decision is influenced by how much they trust the brand or business. Customer loyalty programs can help to increase brand loyalty by creating a sense of community and belonging among customers. From sharing on social media and online reviews to referral programs and increased level of spending, when This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Improved customer data collection: Customer insight is powerful for every business. Knowing what customers want can make it super simple to make changes to bring more business in. Customer loyalty programs can help businesses to collect valuable customer data that allow your business to make informed decisions about what products or services to offer, how to create special offers for your customers, and what are essential aspects of your customer's shopping experience.

What are Some Different Types of Customer Loyalty Programs?

There are many different types of customer loyalty programs, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Some of the most common types of customer loyalty programs include:

- Points-based Loyalty Programs

A points-based customer loyalty program is a strategic initiative employed by businesses to encourage repeat purchases and customer engagement by assigning points for each transaction. These points accumulate over time and can be redeemed for rewards, discounts, or other incentives offered by the brand. In a points-based program, customers earn points based on the amount they spend or the frequency of their visits, creating a gamified experience that motivates them to return and accumulate more points.

For instance, in restaurants or coffee shops, a points-based loyalty program could award customers a certain number of points for every dollar spent. Once customers reach a predetermined points threshold, they can redeem their points for rewards such as free meals, drinks, or exclusive merchandise. This approach not only promotes customer retention and repeat business but also adds an element of excitement as customers work towards unlocking valuable rewards through their accumulated points, ultimately fostering brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

- Tiered Loyalty Programs

A tiered customer loyalty program is a structured approach employed by businesses to reward customers based on their loyalty and engagement levels, placing them into different tiers or levels with varying benefits. Customers progress through these tiers by meeting certain criteria, such as spending thresholds or frequency of visits, unlocking increasingly valuable rewards and privileges as they ascend. This strategy not only incentivizes initial participation but also encourages customers to maintain their loyalty over time by striving for higher tiers and the associated perks.

For instance, in restaurants or coffee shops, a tiered loyalty program could include levels like "Silver," "Gold," and "Platinum." Customers who frequent the establishment more often or spend a certain amount could move up the tiers. At the Silver level, they might receive priority seating during busy hours; at Gold, they could access exclusive menu items; and at Platinum, they might enjoy personalized dining experiences and invitations to special events. This approach creates a sense of achievement, fosters long-term customer engagement, and nurtures a strong emotional connection to the brand.

- Value-based Loyalty Program

A value-based customer loyalty program is one designed by businesses to engage and retain customers by offering rewards, incentives, and personalized experiences based on the value each customer brings to the company. Unlike traditional loyalty programs that offer rewards solely based on the frequency of purchases, a value-based program takes into account the overall customer spending and engagement levels. This approach aims to foster deeper connections with high-value customers and encourages them to continue patronizing the brand.

For instance, in the context of restaurants or coffee shops, a value-based loyalty program could offer tiered membership levels based on customers' total spending. Customers who spend more would be eligible for higher tiers with enhanced benefits, such as exclusive menu items, priority reservations, and personalized offers. This approach not only acknowledges and rewards customers for their significant contributions to the business but also creates a sense of belonging and recognition, thereby cultivating long-term brand loyalty.

- Hybrid programs

Hybrid programs combine elements of different customer rewards programs. These programs typically offer customers points for every purchase they make, as well as additional benefits based on their spending or engagement with a business.

How to Choose the Right Customer Loyalty Program for Your Business

The best customer loyalty program for your business will depend on your specific needs and goals. Some factors to consider when choosing a customer loyalty program include:

  • Your target audience: The type of customer loyalty program that you choose should be tailored to your target audience. For example, if you have a younger target audience, you may want to consider a point-based program that offers rewards that are relevant to this demographic.
  • Your budget: The cost of a customer loyalty program can vary significantly. It's important to choose a program that fits within your budget.
  • Your marketing goals: Your customer loyalty program should be aligned with your marketing goals. For example, if you want to increase customer retention, you may want to choose a program that offers rewards for repeat purchases.
  • Your customer service capabilities: Your customer loyalty program should be easy for customers to participate in and redeem rewards. It's important to make sure that you have the customer service capabilities to support your program.

A Few Best Practices for Running Customer Loyalty Programs

To get the most out of your customer loyalty program, it's important to follow these best practices:

  • Make it easy to join: The process of joining your customer loyalty program should be simple and easy. Customers should be able to sign up quickly and easily, without having to provide a lot of personal information.
  • Offer valuable rewards: The rewards that you offer through your customer loyalty program should be valuable and relevant to your target audience. This could include discounts, free products, or exclusive access to products or services.
  • Promote your program: Once you've got the design for your customer loyalty program figured out, be sure to make it easy and accessible to your clients and customers. Add an easy way to sign up at your point of sale or on your website. Be sure to share it over and over on social media. Ask your clients and costumers whether they've signed up, even if they already have, as well as whether they may know someone who may benefit from the program that they would like to refer.

Measuring the Success of Your Customer Loyalty Program

Measuring the success of a customer loyalty program for a local business is essential to understand its effectiveness and make informed decisions. Utilizing a software platform offers a streamlined approach to track program success, as it automates data collection and analysis. Through such a platform, businesses can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) like customer retention rates, average purchase frequency, and the growth of loyal customer segments. Additionally, software can provide insights into which rewards are most popular and effective, enabling businesses to tailor their offerings for maximum impact. The platform's automation ensures accuracy and efficiency in data collection, allowing business owners to focus on strategic planning and optimizing their loyalty program based on real-time insights. Overall, leveraging a software platform simplifies the process of evaluating a loyalty program's success, enabling local businesses to adapt and refine their strategies to achieve the best possible results.


In conclusion, I hope this article has helped you to realize that, yes, customer loyalty programs are absolutely worth it. There are a ton of benefits that your business will absolutely experience, including increase in revenue, more customers and happier customers. There are a ton of benefits your customers will experience as well, including having their money go farther, and being part of a community your business created. If you are interested in launching a customer rewards program for your business, the Lealtad App is possibly the fastest and easiest way to launch a digital customer rewards program. The platform is super easy and intuitive to use, you can create many different rewards programs, and you can have your program up and running in about 5 minutes. Best of all, you can get started today with Lealtad with a free trial so that you can build out a campaign and get it to your customers absolutely risk-free. I encourage you to take advantage of this byclicking here and getting started with Lealtad today to help increase revenue, make happier customers, and achieve all your business goals.